Introducing new World Café intern: Benjamin Aaron Degenhart

by | Mar 8, 2010 | Announcements | 1 comment

Hey there,

i am Benjamin, very happy to work for and with The World Cafe from now on in global communications. Please let me share with you what i will be doing and tell you a bit about me…

You will see me a lot online as a community gardener for our online community – welcoming new members, keeping an overview of what is happening and helping people to find good spots and threads to share their stories and reflections. I want to be there in service for this diverse online community to flourish and live into it’s potential.

Map As you can see with the latest addition of our global map – i like to explore ways to relate in a tangible way to the diverse Collective that we are. Soon i will come with more visualization-fun of the collective data, i will show you a tag-cloud of peoples profile answers and you will be able to click on the keywords and see the related people as search result. What i can tell you already is that the average age of members is 44 years… so part of my mission is also to attract young energy here 🙂
The next days i will click around a lot and get an overview of what is alive in the multiple groups, threads and blogs. I will dive into individual stories and get a sense of what is alive and start sending you updates on the community life everyone now and then.

A few words about me; my 23yr young life has had important milestones like living in an ecovillage community in my home country Germany, doing a deep ecology training with a vision quest, working in the Hub in Berlin in communications, studying a bit of Bioinformatics, travelling the US and since last September studying and playing at the KaosPilots in Denmark, at the best school for the world 🙂 I love ecstatic dance and i love to see people connected to their source and shining bright in their unique beauty – what i stand for in my life at this point is to foster alive energy flows in all forms of expressions in myself and in others.
I am a very passionate and full-hearted networker and love to connect and conduct flows of information, motivation and inspiration. I resonate a lot with the field of collective intelligence and begin to birth my own contribution and energetic perceptions on movements an all layers of experience.
This days i am still very much glowing from the gorgeous Art of Hosting training in Karlskrona, Sweden last week with 90 young leaders from different programs. I was in the calling- and organizing team and it is so purely amazing to see what impact this gathering had on peoples motivation and in bringing possibilities of collaboration and connections into our middle.

You are welcome to connect with me through my profile on our online space or via


Benjamin Aaron Degenhart

1 Comment

  1. Murfomurf

    Hi Benjamin- I love the idea of working in a collective intelligence- that’s the principle reason I joined WorldCafe. I’m sure plenty of young people in organisations such as LEAP Africa would find this a great arena for sharing ideas for their work. I’m one of the more ancient members at 57, but I think I have a young head on my shoulders! I attended a meeting a few days ago here in Adelaide, South Australia where we shared ideas on careers in public health- I loved the connections and ideas, but didn’t gain anything for my own issues. And yes- there were 2 German nationals at the meeting!

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