Bioneers September Community Conversation

Bioneers September Community Conversation

Each month, World Cafe hosts Amy Lenzo and David Shaw offer a Community Conversation for the world-renowned Bioneers community. Each conversation is stimulated by a brief ‘keynote’ or ‘conversation starter’ from a thought leader/luminary, guided by a skilled team, and...
Bioneers September Community Conversation

Bioneers August Community Conversation

Each month, World Cafe hosts Amy Lenzo and David Shaw offer a Community Conversation for the world-renowned Bioneers community. Each conversation is stimulated by a brief ‘keynote’ or ‘conversation starter’ from a thought leader/luminary, guided by a skilled  team,...
Unlikely Encounters ~ December Community Cafe

Unlikely Encounters ~ December Community Cafe

Unlikely Encounters Give yourself the gift of 2.5 hours in community ~ sharing stories of unlikely encounters. And: this Community Cafe creates a space for us to BE in a field of surprise encounters. Some of the “ingredients of the secret sauce” for this gathering:...
Slow Hosting: November Community World Cafe

Slow Hosting: November Community World Cafe

Slow Hosting The Art of Slowing Down in a Fast-Paced World Give yourself the gift of 2.5 hours in community ~ being in inquiry together around the topic of slowing down in a fast-paced world. What does it take to step into the field of “Slow Hosting”? What are we...
October Community World Cafe

October Community World Cafe

The Art of Listening Being listened to and listening are essential to World Cafe – they are the ground that holds us. In our Community Cafe, we will take time to reflect on the art of listening in World Cafe: listening with curiosity; listening to understand....