Awakening Collaborative Wisdom: Sensing Collective Curiosity

Awakening Collaborative Wisdom: Sensing Collective Curiosity

Much of Western culture is driven by establishing what we collectively measure, know, and believe. But what if our schools, organizations, businesses, and governments pivoted to source what we are collectively curious about? Might the collective unconscious hold not...
Awakening Collaborative Wisdom: Sensing Collective Curiosity

Learning Together: Awakening Collaborative Wisdom

Words shape worlds. Our unique perspectives and narratives nurture energies to heal and unite our planet.  Join a live global community for courageous conversations grounded in authenticity, shared learning, and heart. This online inquiry engages the essence,...

Online World Cafe – A Participant’s View

The other day I came across this post by World Café participant Joan Davis … In it, she describes her experience of an online World Café in detail, revealing her thought processes as well as her emotions and sense of impact. In reading it, I’m struck by...