Risktakers and caretakers

Did you ever want to do something but the risk was too great? Do you dream of taking a risk in the future but wish there was some support around you? What if the support was there already and we just needed to find it among ourselves? Some of you might remember...

Echoes on the walls

Juanita said, "The whole exists in every part." I found meaning in this when looking at the different walls where we posted our personal reflections… Again and again I found that people had posted the same idea as mine, or ideas that struck a chord...

Reflecting on past time

This morning was spent on commitement and action….made possible by deep reflection. I started the day by realising that we were talking more about inviting relationships than innovations. How can we provide a safe/risky environment where relationships can...

Confusion to yourself

Would you expect a World Cafe on innovation to result in a table deciding that blankness and confusion need to be present to be innovative? Well, that’s just what happened. Oh, by the way….other ideas were also mentioned: Take the whole personTime &...

On the Train

On the train to Dresden yesterday I asked a gentleman sitting near me for directions and it turned out that he too was coming to the World Café! Reinhard Kuchenmüller, for that was his name, is a visual facilitator coming in from Tuscany to facilitate today’s...